You are here: About repositories > Configuring a repository > Configuring repository views > Arranging repository views

Arranging repository views

The order of view groups in the Views list and the order of the views in the right pane of the Home page are configurable to meet your requirements.

To arrange repository views:

  1. In Meridian Enterprise Server Administration Console, in the Repositories group, click Views. The Explorer Views page appears and lists the existing views.
  2. In the toolbar, click Arrange. The ARRANGE dialog box appears. The view groups are listed on the left.
  3. Select the view group that you want to edit. The views included in a view group are listed on the right.
  4. Drag and drop view names in the list to arrange them in the order that you want them to appear.
  5. Click OK. The Administration Console refreshes to show the new arrangement. The arrangement will be applied to the client application after your changes have been deployed as described in Deploying the current views.

Related tasks

Creating and editing repository views

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Configuring repository views

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Creating and editing detail page layouts

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Configuring property-based navigation

Creating and editing navigation view layouts

Creating and editing view filters

Disabling and enabling repository views

Deleting repository views

Exporting views

Importing views